

Galerie Georges-Philippe et Nathalie Vallois, 33 rue de Seine, 75006 Paris,
Tel : 33(0)1 46 34 61 07
June 9 - July 22, 2017


Les Fleurs

“People have always painted flowers. Since Antiquity, a host of artists have brought all the meticulous precision of the miniaturist to their depictions of stems, pistils and petals in clusters or corollas. Over the centuries, the flower has established itself as an inescapable motif, a classic subject. Why, one might ask. Is it because a flower means more than just what it is, gives more pause for thought than the countryside in which it grows? Such success is no doubt linked to the high degree of symbolic meaning that has become attached to the flower over the course of time.”
(Marianne Mathieu)
For his 6th solo show at the gallery, Keith Tyson decided to work on that classical “style” and presents a series of twenty unseen paintings, achievement of five years of gestation.

“I began thinking whether I might be able to make some paintings with a similar attitude to that of the flower arranger, combining varied styles and techniques of painting in a single work just for the visual pleasure and poetry of it. Each brushstroke being like a petal, each style of painting like a flower. (…) I also wanted the paintings to have a wide range of style and texture.
I remember after a long walk in the Sussex countryside one day I decided to tackle some larger panels. (…) On the walk I had realised that Nature despite being made from essentially the same stuff has all these different textures because of differing techniques and orderings it utilises; spiky grass, branching trees, undulating

hills and billowing clouds are the way they are because of different causal systems that drive them. I wanted to get that sense of a complex of differing textures into these works. Of being lost in the complexity of the Whole.” (Keith Tyson)

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