

Galerie Perrotin, 60 rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris
October 14, November 20, 2023

After 20 years of collaboration with the gallery, the artists duo Elmgreen & Dragset unveils a new solo exhibition gathering seven sculptures or sculpted groups that depict several potential scenarios. This new project marks the tenth exhibition with the gallery.

Without transition, your eyes glued to the smartphone, you’ve entered the gallery space. You probably didn’t realize it. Your mind was elsewhere, lost in the limbo of an alternate reality, both physical and virtual. This is normal in today’s world, where reality is often filtered through devices, changing the experience of art itself. Interactivity has replaced contemplation, sharing content has replaced absorption. People show themselves experiencing art, whether with an #artselfie or a challenge for #arttok. More profoundly, our access to the real itself has been transformed. The experience is rarely direct, mediated by images, sounds, and texts shared with a swipe of our thumbs. You and I are the Thumbelina1 generation, participating in an all-encom- passing collective choreography.

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